The work of Nicola Di Caprio discusses and investigates the imagery of popular culture (art, music, films, literature, news, etc.) through paintings, collages, drawings, installations, sculptures, ready-made, photographs, performances, concerts, actions, animated GIFs. His work tends to mix the fluid contemporary life with the symbology of popular codes; a particular attention is given to the world of popular music (rock, jazz, electronic, world music, free form) as a social and anthropological phenomenon.

He has exhibited his work in solo and group exhibitions in galleries, museums, non-profit spaces and foundations in New York, Paris, Madrid, London, Toronto, Istanbul, Vienna, Milan, Turin, Rome, Venice, Naples, etc. (see Exhibitions)

They wrote of his work Giorgio Verzotti, Franklin Sirmans, Michele Robecchi, Valentina Tanni, Francesco Tedeschi, Luca Palermo, Luca Beatrice, Ivan Quaroni, Alberto Zanchetta, Olga Gambari, Enzo Battarra, Gianluca Marziani, ecc. (see Press).

NDC plays drums and percussions. He has played with Sabir Mateen, Xabier Iriondo, Giovanni Falzone, Angelo Contini, Mauro Pagani, Ramuntcho Matta, Sergio Montemagno, Agostino di Scipio, Emilio Di Donato, Cesare Malfatti and, in youger age, Avion Travel, among others.

He has founded TEMPO FLUIDO, SUPERTESTE, -AST, SPARKS, DIASTEMA: those are musical projects that involves musicians of different styles as well performers and dancers. The music that is generated in those projects displays elements of rock, jazz, noise, electronics, third and forth world often with an approach of "free form".

Also NDC performs a solo project "Il Bambino Cosmico Che Risiede In Me Sorride Beffardo" (see Other) playing percussions, resonant objects, musical toys, voice and visual actions.

From 2010 to 2013 he has teached at IED Istituto Europeo di Design in Turin Italy the course "Music and Images" the relations and reciprocal influences between visual art and music from World War II to now.

NDC is a skilled graphic designer and art director.

NDC was born in Caserta and lives and works in Milan, Italy.

Tempo Fluido - Live at Casa Degli Artisti - Milano

Tempo Fluido are:

Cesare Malfatti Guitar - Nicola Di Caprio Drums - Gianni Sansone Trumpet